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Friday, August 12, 2011

A Few Days in Hell

Actually it's been more like this entire week has been horrible in one way or another.  I tried to not give myself false hope...I tried to be my usual, realistic self.  I knew that there was a very minute chance (like .00001%) that maybe, just maybe, getting the rest of my thyroid out would make my fibromyalgia go away...or even just make it slightly less severe.  I never took the time to think that the 2nd surgery would make the fibro worse...what was I thinking?  Or was I thinking?

Monday, August 8, 2011

12 Days Post-Op Update

Praise God!  I am FINALLY, somewhat, getting my voice back!  Today was the first day that I did not have to strain as much to talk!  Definitely a blessing since I had to go register Corky and Dizzie for the elementary today.  Baby Girl will get registered at the high school tomorrow, and I don't have to do anything for Princess and Bubby since they will be at the middle school.  Between physicals, registrations, getting shoes and school supplies, and everything else that goes along with it...August is my most dreaded month of the year! This year is special one oldest "baby," Baby Girl, will be a senior in high school!  Where did all those years go?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finally...The Surgery Update!

I apologize for not updating the blog after my surgery.  I was so busy updating my Facebook friends and resting up.  (If you are not one of my Facebook friends and would like to be, my page is  Obviously, since I’m  typing this now, the surgery went well and I survived…it was a very different experience from my first though!  I knew to expect some differences since the surgery was scheduled at Lutheran Hospital and not the Outpatient Surgery Center as before, but wow!